
New Demo Reels

Game Animation Reel:
I am responsible for all player-character and enemy animation in this reel. No motion capture was used on this project. Animation was created using Maya. I was also responsible for integrating these into the game using the Unreal Editor.
Narrative Animation Reel:
I created all of the character and prop animation in this reel using Maya, with the following exceptions:
- Alvin and The Chipmunks was created using Voodoo (R+H proprietary anim software)
- The Chipmunk concert run cycles were pre-made cycles that I constrained to a motion path and then modified to climb up the mic stands.
You can download these reels by right-clicking the links in the "My Portfolio" section of the sidebar to the right and choosing to "Save Link As..." (or "Save Target As..." for you folks rocking Internet Explorer)